St. John Chrysostom
Divine Liturgy Schedule:
Sunday: 10:00 AM
Feast Days: 6:00 PM
Check bulletin for daily Liturgy times
Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts:
Monday & Friday: 6:00 PM
Mystery of Forgiveness:
One hour before Liturgy or by appointment
Divine Liturgy on March 23 will be celebrated at the St. Thomas More Newman Center at 12:00 PM. There will be no liturgy at St. John Chrysostom.

News and Updates

Fireside Fellowship

Reflecting on the ideas shared by parishioners during Bishop Robert's visit, I invite you to FIRESIDE FELLOWSHIP - an informal evening for adults at a bonfire. It is an informal fellowship on sharing experiences, themes you would like to talk about and foremost to get to know each other better. Bring your chair!

  • June 15 - Vespers at 6pm followed by Fireside fellowship
  • July 13 - Vespers at 6pm followed by Fireside fellowship
  • August 10 - Vespers at 6pm followed by Fireside fellowship

Excited to meet you there!

Fr. Robert

Summer Office Hours and Weekday Liturgy Changes

There will be NO Thursday evening Divine Liturgy from June through August. Thursday evening Lituries will resume on September 5.

There will be NO office hours on Fridays from June through August. Friday hours will resume on September 6.

Lenten Discipline

  • Strict abstinence—no meat, eggs, and diary—on the first day of Great Lent and Good Friday.
  • Abstinence—no meat—every Wednesday and Friday of Great Lent.
  • It is suggested to keep abstinence on Mondays of Great Lent, as well.

Liturgy of St. Gregory the Great, Pope of Rome, every Monday and Friday of Lent at 6:00 PM, and Third Hour of the Byzantine Liturgy of Hours every Wednesday at 9:00 AM.

Intensify your prayer life on daily basis with the FREE Eastern Christian Publications App. Search for ECPubs on Google Play or Apple's App Store.

There is a Study Group on EUCHARIST on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM in the Hall.

Keep in mind the sacrificial stewardship for our church via PayPal on our website.